List of products by brand neolid USA

2011: while on a boat trip on the Leman lake, 
Caloune, Benou and Nico decided it was time
Nico had just showed them his latest video
About the unique lidless mug he’d been working on.
No more doubts for the future, 
It was time for them to start the new adventure.

An invention! Designing and manufacturing a new product
It had been a lifelong dream for this little boy
Who knew that as soon as the occasion would rise
He would attempt and not look back.

neolid became real in January 2012

As everyone knows, neo means new
And lid seemed like the obvious ending
Once the concept ready, it was now time to create the product from scratch.

18 months were necessary to finalize the project.
It’s on July 14th 2013 that the first TWIZZ was purchased
It has since been sold past our borders 
In over 20 countries and in less than 2 years, more than 100 000 have been sold.

In 2015 we decided to expand our range of products and our presence worldwide
We created the BOX: lidless container now available in our offices in California and France.
We are ready to grow, and just like the little boy, continue to dream!

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